Hi guys, just finished having a chat with a girl in the library, she was crying, so I went to sit next to her and borrow her my ear for a little while I didn't know her but I know how it feels to be on an emotional rollercoaster yet not have anyone to talk to... She was speaking to me about some things she is going through, she said she feels like she is failing because she sees everyone around her excelling, she is having issues with her closest friend and she recently found out her boyfriend is cheating on her.
The first thing I had to tell her is that she shouldn't compare herself to those around her, do not envy and do not in any circumstance compare your situation to theirs - everything happens in its own time, just have patience. When I see people making major movements, I feel so happy for them genuinely, even if we were once friends yet we drifted apart over something trivial, you will still be in my prayers, I will still wish you success and thank God for being merciful towards you. Yes people say, that's the healthiest mentality to have in order to motivate you, but to be honest, that's just genuinely how I am lol. If i see an opportunity that I know someone else will be interested in, I will forward it to that person straight away. Good deeds definitely come back to you in tenfold, and I am definitely speaking from experience.
I am not perfect, I'm human, I cry over the stupidest things, just yesterday I was moaning to my girl Melissa about my laptop and phone being broken, having a 15,000 word dissertation being due next week yet my laptop packed in yesterday, four exams following after the that I feel like I am just not ready. But you know what God has a plan, just because things are not going my way I cannot start being ungrateful for all the wonderful things he has done for me, my situation is temporary and there are people going through much worse than me that they end up overcoming, why am I any different?
I know a lot of people can relate, so just be steady, put that seat belt on and kick back. Let God take you to where you are destined to be, but remember that you HAVE to help yourself. If i sit here all day and not revise, I cannot expect to pass my exams that is so foolish, lol. God will take control, but why don't you try and meet him half way?
And then the second issue, the issue between her and her friend, do you know how good forgiveness feels?
When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free, because there is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. "Be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
I know sometimes it's hard, the other person may not want to forgive you and let go, but as long as you know in your heart of hearts you have made that step, then you do not need to worry about a thing. Don't get me wrong however, there those re-offenders that will continue to do the same thing over and over again. Out of wisdom, I think those people; after giving them chances, you need to let go of. Because if you forgive them for doing wrong, you are accepting who they are, if they do that wrong thing again, can you really be that angry? (the latter does not apply to a silly argument between Friends or something trivial, this is in regards to something that causes you harm... friends argue, build a bridge and GET OVER IT!)
....and then the last issue, her boyfriend who is a repeated cheater...

I'm not even going to go into that, if you cheat you are demonstrating that you lack respect towards me. I will say goodbye there and then, i know people will say, 'yea yea, you don't know until you have been in that situation' I have, and said ciao, adios amigos STRAIGHT AWAY. lol. I dont have time for that. We're not married or bound together, escape while you can. lool. that's just my opinion. No offence.
Anyway, my exams are done at the end of may.... see you then!
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