Sunday, 1 December 2013

Final Haul of 2013!

This IS my final haul of the year, I know I always make these claims but seriously - have faith in me!
This is not a review, as I've literally just purchased these items, but I have included swatches that I think are relevant. Some are repeat buys and normal basics, so I won't get into them - but for now can I just say - I love MAC's facial wipes! They are amazing (never thought I'd say that about wipes lol)

Starting with the basics, on the left, is my Lancôme which I have mentioned quite a lot on my blog so I won't really get into that, but if you wan't to see one of my previous reviews, please click here and here.
The Clinique Stay Matte foundation is another nice one, it's very long wearing and makes you look airbrushed, I would recommend it to you if you have oily skin, this was my summer go-to foundation! The great thing about Clinique is that you can go to their counter and get a little sample before you make a purchase. 
I've been using MAC's studio fix fluid on and off for years now, I have a love-hate relationship with it, but I always end up going back! 
Lastly, on the right, also from MAC is the pro longwear concealer. I sometimes use the studio finish concealer which comes in a little black pot, identical to the eyeshadow packaging - but it depends on what look I'm going for. This foundation is more lightweight and long wearing, definitely one I'd recommend. 

Moving onto lips now and starting with the lip-glosses is 'Right Image' from MAC - now, I'm not really a lip gloss person, I love my lips to look matte and crisp (NOT DRY lol, crisp and well finished) but this one is a favourite of mine, it lookS cute when worn with Lovelorn, which is also from MAC.


Life Update.

Hi all!

Sorry for going AWOL, I've been so consumed by everything around me that I've barely had any time for myself.

More than two years ago I created this Blogspot with the aim of having a little outlet for my thoughts and also as a platform to not only voice my views but to share with you all what I’m loving, wanting and loathing. Whilst it has kind of been bombarded with hauls, revealing the shopaholic I am 'haha', you have all been so kind and supportive to me and I appreciate you for that, especially when it came down to my trails in University and the struggle of finding clarity when it came to my career.
One of my fav posts so far was my “End of an Era...” post, where I not only detailed my struggle, but how I overcame it. What I LOVE the most was the fact that so many of you were going though similar things and my testimony kind of gave you that hope to push through. 
So I guess I have decided to do something similar again!

Before I go into where I am so far, lets take it back to my first post “New to” in 2011:

“Because of my inner fear I decided to settle for what would give me job security and study something that didn't have my heart in it. I then decided to head off to Uni whilst getting internships on the side.
Here I am, with only a year left of Uni and I'm still biting my nails out of confusion....
But I have officially decided to take a leap of faith... follow me on my journey :)”

Getting into PR has been a tiresome journey, whilst I have been blessed with some amazing Internships and experiences, I had to also go through a lot in order to realise what I did and didn’t want – fashion is and was a BIG no, hence why I stopped blogging about fashion. I do encourage you not to let other people’s attitudes and poor behaviour to put you off something you love but the things I experienced whilst working in fashion made realise I didn't love fashion as much as I thought I did. To be honest, I think I was a bit deluded after seeing my teenage idol Lauren Conrad from ‘The Hills” work in Teen Vogue and Kelly Cutrone's PR firm People's Revolution, making me desire a similar lifestyle lol. I then thought that working in either music or beauty PR as they are both things i'm passionate about, were ideal roads to go down. My new role presented itself first so now I'm in music PR! 

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